What is a stablecoin and which stablecoins do you use?

Updated 2 months ago

Stablecoins are digital equivalents of traditional currencies whose value is pegged 1:1 with their fiat counterpart. Stablecoins live natively on the internet, running on many of the world’s most advanced blockchains.

Our platform supports USDC  and EURC, isued by Circle. USDC is a stablecoin that is pegged to the US dollar and EURC – to Euro. This means that the value of 1 USDC/EURC is always equivalent to $1/1€. This type of stablecoins are known as a fully-reserved stablecoin, every digital dollar/euro of USDC/EURC on the internet is 100% backed by cash reserves, so that they are always redeemable 1:1.

For more info about USDC reserves composition and monthly attestations you can click here.
For more info about EURC reserves composition and monthly attestations you can click here.